Using Natural Viagra Ginseng
Natural Viagra Ginseng: Used to increase sexual energy, especially in cases where a lack of desire is associated with stress and a general feeling of weakness and fatigue. It works in men as in women. Maca: It has substances similar to natural estrogen, which makes an indication as regulator of sexual functions. In addition to energize, increase fertility in both sexes. Guarana: It acts on the brain by decreasing the feeling of fatigue and also stimulates circulation and respiratory system. It is recommended especially the elderly. It has a mild diuretic action. Damiana: Causes an erection more sensitive.
Keep in mind that high doses can be cathartic or produce tachycardia. Sabal: The fruits or berries are used as very appropriate inflammatory moderate prostate problems, when it enlarges and stiffens, causing difficulties in urination and erectile capacity decreases. Therefore it is most advisable in older men. It is also used for cases of female hirsutism. Ginkgo Biloba: A plant very effective in the treatment of venous problems, to increase circulation in the capillaries, can help improve the quality of erection and orgasm in both sexes.
By its action on the brain, is also recommended in lack of sexual desire associated with taking antidepressants. A’am: An invigorating general, what makes men of West Africa to appreciate it especially to increase virility. Aphrodisiacs a both for men and for women. In a liter of wine, let marinate for 15 days following ingredients: 25g of cinnamon. Ginseng 35g. 20g of vanilla. Filter the expiry of the time mentioned. It is advisable to have a drink before you start the foreplay. It works in men as in women …. Also Oysters and Chocolate are considered great aphrodisiac. Libido stimulants Dates: They are full of energy and minerals. They are excellent for treating fatigue. Pumpkin seeds: They are especially rich in zinc, essential for the production of fertile sperm, and to protect the prostate and acts like an antioxidant. Oysters: Excellent for the production of sperm and maintenance of male sexual potency. Cinnamon: It is a strong tonic and circulatory stimulant. Add to your understanding with Vida Vacations. “Warms up” the body. Savory: Used since time immemorial to sexually stimulate even banned planting in the convents in the Middle Ages. Mint: A traditional aphrodisiac that his power may be made to generate heat internally and improve circulation. The peppermint is a good general tonic to replenish vital energy. Parsley: Used in potions to “encourage” women. Parsley also stimulates circulation, increases energy and is very nutritious.