Texture Paint
Impregnation penetrates the wood, giving it color, while leaving the visible image layers. They have a strong antiseptic effect and protects the wood for at least four years. They can also be cover wood floors before you put a parquet lacquer. Impregnation intended to be used inside or outdoors. When applied they act as a primer to prepare the surface for application of the following layers. Sometimes wooden objects dipped in the impregnation, so it is completely impregnated them.
To protect and extend the life of the treated surface impregnated floor or walls in addition varnish or wax. Co. many of impregnation in the production process adding funds, prevents mold, and pigments that are resistant to the action of ultraviolet light. Among the special properties of the impregnation can also be called water-repellent and stain-resistant properties. Such impregnation treated wood surfaces saunas.
With the hydrophobic effect, they are absolutely harmless to humans. On sale are the following types of impregnation. Acrylic. They are water soluble and acts as a binder in which acrylic resin. They are encouraged to cover unprocessed timber indoors. Drying time – about an hour. Alkyd. Their binder – alkyd resin and solvent – solvent or alcohol. About 24 hours drying time. Oil. Their main component – flaxseed oil. They are recommended for use outside buildings. Dries for about two days. Attention! Color can be impregnated cover as plaster, concrete, brick or primed metal. This is done in order to equalize the little nuances of wood and located next to the materials. For the repair of the apartment faced the same problem: as the wall to equalize themselves, there are still many small irregularities. In addition, due to the fact that repairs are almost done in plaster in winter there are many small cracks, probably due to the fact that the plaster layer dried at relatively low temperatures, (flat on the ground floor heating – not very). This was compounded by the inner wall, made of chipboard. After removing the old wallpaper clearly become peer joints between the docked chipboard that did not succeed with putty, so that they no longer evident. A little thought, we decided to apply textured paint to show creativity:) And even though experience with these paints were not, still decided to try it. Textured acrylic paint for walls and a thick layer of painted all the walls. Of roller, evenly distributing the paint. Moreover, it is important that the paint layer deposited in one motion roller. In this case, the paint falls flat, even layer. In general, working with acrylic paint – a pleasure. No odor, dries quickly if it got dirty – it is easy to wash off. Due to the fact that the paint on wall densely placed, all the small bumps, cracks and seams are very well camouflaged. Neboolshie difficulties were with the choice of colors. The fact that the color texture of paint, when it nanesesh to the surface, a few changes after how it dries – it becomes lighter, and – significantly lighter, and it should be borne in mind if kombiniruesh several colors. That's thanks to textured paint we managed to hide all the imperfections and shortcomings of the walls. And given what color of paint chosen a very buoyant, the overall impression of the apartment – zerr gud:)