Earth System
Since the interplanetary space is not "completely empty", a moving solar system creates itself shock wave. Background thickness of the shock wave until the middle of 1960 amounted to 4.3 astronomical units (1 a., Is equal to the average distance from Earth to the Sun, or 150 million kilometers). Since mid-1970's last century, American academic space probes a series of "Pioneer", "Voyager" and "Mariner", and the Soviet probe Mars and Venus started to send to Earth a huge volume and a completely new information on the content. Data obtained from the probes showed that in the 1970 years of the thickness of the shock waves began to grow rapidly, and by mid-1980 has already reached 43 astronomical units. This means that the path of flight, and the interaction sphere solar system and interstellar medium formed condensation of matter and energy. In the plasma of a shock wave has sharply increased the intensity of electromagnetic interactions of charged particles and the flow of ionized plasma (galactic wind) began intensive to enter the solar system. Conclusion of scientists is clear: in the late twentieth century, the solar system has entered into an incredibly powerful stream of energy coming from the center of our galaxy. This is the same galactic beam, which we were warned our ancestors. Hence, the dramatic changes of climate of the planet, the offset of the magnetic poles, the fall of the magnetic field and increase the resonant frequency of the Earth (the so-called Schumann resonance). Hence the incredible intensity of solar flares and associated natural disasters.