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Solar System

June 10th, 2013
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The Solar System Solar system is a planetary system in the Milky Way galaxy that is located in one of the arms of this, known as the Orion arm. Consists of a single star called Sun, which gives name to this system, and eight planets, as the set of dwarf planets that orbit around the star, of which the best known are: Pluto, (136199) Eris, Makemake, Haumea and Ceres; as well as interplanetary space between them. Currently other 283 are also known planetary systems orbiting around other stars of which 23 are known two exoplanets, 9 are known three, four are known one and another five. According to the latest estimates, the Solar system is located approximately 28 thousand light-years from the center of the milky way, our galaxy. General characteristics the planets, most of the planets and all belts asteriodes orbit around the Sun in the same direction follow elliptical orbits in an anticlockwise direction if you look from above the north pole of the Sun. The approximate plane in which all of these revolve is called the ecliptic.

Some objects orbit with a degree of considerable inclination, as Pluto with an inclination with respect to the axis of the ecliptic of 18, as well as an important part of the Kuiper belt objects. According to their characteristics, and advancing from inside to outside, the bodies that make up the Solar system are classified into: Sun planets planets dwarf satellite asteroids comets system structure Lanternsolar orbits of major planets are found ordinates at distances the Sun growing so that the distance of each planet is about twice that of earth immediately preceding. This relationship is expressed mathematically through the law of Titius-Bode, a formula that summarizes the position of the axle shafts over the planets in astronomical units. In its simplest form the astronomical distances dimension is written in the space have a notion of dimension astronomical distances in space, it is interesting to make some calculations and make us a model that allows us to have a clearer perception of what is at stake.

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