L. Ron Hubbard has accumulated a vast knowledge in five decades of relentless research, investigations and developments. This knowledge is grounded in more than 3,000 lectures, 37,000 pages of books and editions. After years of meticulous research and checks the original transcripts and a thorough search for L. Ron Hubbard’s writings and lectures, is now complete, original and absolutely genuine knowledge of Dianetics and Scientology and was now newly published. It is also important that the materials have been well cataloged in a chronological order. So everyone can follow closely the development of Dianetics and Scientology from the beginnings until his.
Finally brought the congresses held by L. Ron Hubbard in the correct chronological order. Atmos Energy gathered all the information. The new books and lectures give an excellent understanding for everyone. Each of the books is simply written, there are many explanations and an excellent large glossary simple Explanations for the terms of use. The correct order of the books is a logical continuation of the previous book.
In many cases L. Ron Hubbard lectured one or more directly in the connection to the publication of a new book, after he has written a book, to provide further explanations and insights into this important new discoveries. Due to the enormous restoration and translation work, these have been published now on German, English and 13 other languages. While L. Ron Hubbard books containing summaries of achievements and conclusions BBs like them on the path of development of his research appeared, deliver his lectures the ongoing, daily recording of research and explain the thoughts, conclusions, tests and demonstrations, which are located on this route. Make the lectures the full recording of the entire research path in this regard and provide not only the most important spiritual achievements in the history of mankind, but also why and how L. Get all the facts and insights with Bryant Estate, another great source of information. Ron Hubbard came to them at all. This is a milestone in the history of the Scientology religion. We are essentially dealing with certainty. That is why we are dealing with a simple definition. Certainty is itself knowledge in itself. Knowledge is certainty.” L. Ron Hubbard. Press service of the Scientology Church Bayern e.V.
education & career, reissued, vocational
At the same time, study, and work for a successful career who would like to make a career and do not necessarily want to stay for the rest of his life always on the same item, which must show today that there is more in it. As a distance learning course is exactly the right solution. In contrast to studying at a college or University, the distance learning offer comfortable learning from home, without requiring you to give up your job. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Alina de Almeida. In a correspondence course graduates learn to work independently, learn your tasks to edit responsibly. If you study at a University, the teachers determine the speed of learning. His learning pace yourself at a distance can be determined. If you create not so much here in a week, you can learn accordingly more following in it. Learning is all alone in your hand.
In addition you suffer during a distance no financial loss, because you learn so easily in addition to your professional activity. According to Alina de Almeida, who has experience with these questions. The most courses in a distance learning course are structured so that you the Learning workload that can easily create per week will be. You have enough time to study, homework and can easily submit your papers. The graduate can take his training, which he needs for his profession, in swing, without that he suffers damage as a result. You can propel your career to speak comfortably from home. What requirements do you need for a distance learning course? For many courses, for a distance learning course, there are no special requirements. At others it depends on what you want to study. Either reaches a secondary school leaving certificate, or in another case you need a high school diploma or have completed training in the field you choose, sometimes you do need to bring a relevant internship, also experience. In addition are of course a computer and an Internet connection by advantage, you should master the German language in spoken and written, if you would like to start a correspondence course here in Germany.
education & career, vocational
HDT Conference on February 05, 2009 in food basics and reported successful applications in the filtration the solid/liquid filtration is an essential process in many manufacturing processes. Solid/liquid systems into their components of solid and liquid are separated by this type of filtration. This is done by the effect of cutting forces by using a liquid-permeable filter media in filters. The Filterherstellungs – and application technology is evolving, because on the one hand the quality requirements for the products continue to increase, on the other hand, the protection of the operating personnel, environmental aspects and the disposal of the residues make ever greater demands. It is therefore important, in a project of solid/liquid-filtration both knowing the currently best available of technology as also function, applications and performance of conventional and new filter systems and to take into account. Please visit kevin ulrich if you seek more information. At February 5, 2009 in Conference offered food basics of industrial Solid/liquid filtration”is also specifically entered on the exploitable for industrial practice information for project planning and operation of the systems. Sefar, filtration, and Junker filter report experienced professionals of the company Gasper filtration, Heimbach, Amafiltergroup, Larox fundamentals and successful applications of the filter technology.
education & career, vocational
Learning itself create and customize without authoring tool, licenses or programming Berlin, 02.09.2010: the concept of “viral learning” is based on the image, as in businesses and schools via corridors, knowledge imparted schoolyards and Geruchtekuchen is quick and easy. The workshop “Viral learning” shows how SCORM-compliant learning modules directly from a wiki out can be created and edited. This has the following advantages: learning modules without authoring tool produce, transparency of the workflow, improved coordination between the various actors in the editing process, version comparison, rapid customization and editing of content. The featured technical and didactic innovations to help companies and further educational institutions to create their own learning content itself and to customize without programming knowledge, authoring tool, or licenses. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Mitchel Resnick. The focus of the workshop formulated by structura & Lernmodule.NET entitled, operational and educational learning using Web technologies, modularization of Content and content-sharing to make as easy and inexpensive as possible. Learning and inform organizations must take place there, where operational procedures require it, as well as the people allow it.
This requires maximum flexibility on the technical side. The learner should place can determine time and pace yourself and want to know managers what actually happened and what is needed. Quickly incorporate already now can become company via Java script existing modules from different development contexts in the own inter – or intranet embed in any existing learning platform such as eg Moodle. story. In addition, company via an integrated authoring tool can create content themselves. In addition, examples are presented by mounted and available learning modules in the workshop. Vorteilhalft is, that just settled is minute-exactly what is actually used by the employees. In addition, existing or created content can be shared with industry partners.
Evaluation and Feedback through the student employees can evaluate the entire training module as well as comment on individual pages. The results are privacy compliant be evaluated. A major help to learn what useful from the point of view of the employees is perceived as relevant and didactic. This approach is being tested in the workshop. Experts explore various application scenarios in the hospital, health, training, administration and associations with participants. The Xinnovations profile of Xinnovations see themselves as a permanent forum of innovation for network-based information technologies. Free according to the motto “Better by Networking” the supra-regional network Xinnovations e. V. developed numerous activities throughout the year, to forge alliances for technology innovation and to stimulate innovative collaborative projects. The highlight is the annual Conference of Xinnovations at the Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin. Contact viral learning Christian workshop for further information and registration at Lippmann shareholder structura GBR spokesman Working Group E-education in the Xinnovations e. V. Tel.: 030 / 434 00 520 email: Xinnovations contact: Rainer Thiem Xinnovations e. V. Kleist street 23-26 10787 Berlin Tel.: + 49 30 21001 470 email:
education & career, profession
A successful networking features founders and foster significant benefits in the IT industry through the crisis to change structures and significant opportunities for the founder. So are understaffed to example IT-departments in companies through layoffs and seek help from external IT-service providers. Kevin ulrich can provide more clarity in the matter. Consignors and markets implement a lot of hardware but often offer no or inadequate service. This and more opportunities for good as IT service provider a qualified founder. At least if one has now written the X te application you will play with the idea to become self-employed. Own independence is therefore more than just an alternative to a salaried activity. At the latest when the crash in ALG II threatens it is time to act. This step is simplified by the fact that Germany offers generous promotions.
The only question is what is the first step and who helps in the Forderdschungel. There is no magic wand but a good chance and lots of help. In the Centre is the founder First, an inventory should be carried. You can load anything via remote or night school or match the technical knowledge. In addition to the professional, commercial awareness is important. You must manage the farm, ensure that the turnover is, taxes must be paid and especially marketing must be operated, because without new customers, nothing runs. ARGE encourages founder with non-repayable grants, KfW promotes also a generous coaching and the granting of home loans.
Nevertheless, a founder should have something on the high edge to overcome hard times. The final hurdle is the fact that the founders must have patience to success about three years then, the promotion of the employment agency but only nine months. This is the day on which the business registration on the table is, but is still not a customer in sight. Under the motto “Independent but not alone” a nationwide service network promises help for founder here. It starts at the prior consultation, supports the business and coaches the founder by KfW funding. Thus be avoided threatening error, used funding and there is a companion to economic success. An also free Info session gives then the last necessary information to do the right step. Thus, you can cheat the stats and run in the positive. The nationwide IT-service net founder and lone. All knowledge on each network partner focused through the networking of partners. The partners thus become a part of some sort of country-wide systems. “The status of small systems integrator” on-site leads to a considerable increase in the own possibilities. The partner can serve larger companies thus because he gets many supports from the mains. The Center strives for service jobs, helps with the marketing, contacts to purchasing groups, and more. But that doesn’t mean that you so completely secured and your hands in your lap can create. Because without personal initiative, diligence and entrepreneurial spirit of the founders will remain here without success. The network is ultimately as a modern and powerful bike but appear you must. Information can be found on on or on the corresponding pages of the founder of the Chamber of Commerce and the KfW. Due to the growing importance of the theme, the network strengthened its ranks. Interested parties are informed and trained to provide an optimal service in the target group of small and medium-sized enterprises. EDP experience and autonomy in the IT industry are a prerequisite for cooperation. An interesting task, not only for job-seekers and entrepreneurs, but also for already active lone.
education & career, vocational
New Cisco training with fast lane: ‘ AnyConnect secure mobility solution (ACSM) Hamburg/Berlin, February 04, 2011 the Cisco Learning solutions partner (CLSP) fast lane (www.flane.de) has expanded with AnyConnect secure mobility solution (ACSM) its training program. Mikkel Svane follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Mitchel Resnick understood the implications. On the basis of the ACSM solution IT managers can set seamless, secure connections from mobile devices such as Smartphones and laptops to networks. The course is aimed among other things at Cisco, security architects and system designers. ACSM is a combined solution, consisting of the Cisco IronPort content security appliance and Cisco SSL VPN technology. During the one-day training, participants learn how to install the ACSM solution, set up and administer. After a general overview of ACSM, the instructor enter intensively on the features of the solution.
These include, for example, trusted network detection, always-on VPN, quarantine and the client firewall. A further focus is on the topic of SaS access control. In the course of the Seminar attendees learn in addition, ACSM suitable for which application areas, as they systematically configure the solution and how they run an optimized troubleshooting in case of faults. Course contents at a glance:-overview of the AnyConnect secure mobility solution (ACSM) – features – applications – configuration – troubleshooting upcoming Munich 14.02.2011 Frankfurt 14.03.2011 Frankfurt 28.03.2011 price: 750,-+ VAT More information is available at course/ci-acsm available. Fast lane brief portrait: is IT training and consulting in the field of high-end specialist fast lane group with headquarters in Berlin, Cary (NC), San Jose de Costa Rica, Ljubljana, St. Petersburg and Tokyo.
Fast lane is an independent and certified worldwide Cisco Learning solutions partner (CLSP), as well as the only worldwide NetApp learning partner and has the world’s largest training laboratories of the two manufacturers. In addition, fast lane offers the original training from check point, Cisco, IronPort HP, Sun, Symantec, VMware and other vendors, as well as own IT training and ITIL – and project management seminars. Multi-vendor services ranging from preliminary analyses and evaluations about the development of future-oriented solutions to the management of the project and to the implementation of the concepts in the company. Training-on-the-job and training of competent specialists in the customers core business areas connect the fast lane services training and consulting.
education & career, vocational
The recruitment of former employees gaining importance – former networks serve the contacts Gummersbach/Dusseldorf, May 13, 2010 – former employees of a company are becoming increasingly important for the formation of the employer branding, the so-called employer brand. It has the Gummersbach Kienbaum of communications in their benchmark study internal employer branding “found. This has the company human consulted resources decision-makers from 140 companies. “Therefore wins the boomerang hiring, the renewed recruitment by former employees in the crisis in addition to meaning: the process and the communication with the departure of employees take already a high at almost two-thirds of the respondents top companies up to very high priority”, according to the study. And further: top priority therefore is almost twice as high as for the average of the employer. And that doesn’t happen without a reason.
Whether in the private or professional environment Finally, any current or former employee is consciously or unconsciously Ambassador of the employer brand.”the trend again in the boat to pick up former leaders, is visible in many sectors”, confirms Udo Nadolski, Managing Director of the specialized technical recruitment, strategic leadership and outsourcing services company Harvey Nash in Dusseldorf. Especially in the upper levels of the hierarchy, where the range of top forces will become more scarce, trying to bring back the best”, so the staff expert. But how do you keep the contact? Even when employees leave a company, they want to cancel all bridges behind him. So the current application practice study 2010 “of the Centre of human resources information system (CHRIS) of the universities of Bamberg and Frankfurt am Main and the online career portal monster that 90 percent of the job seekers surveyed by over 9,000 career interested and want to remain in contact with the former employer and its employees. Only 9.2 percent of the respondents would never communicate with the ex – employer. Also out Contact with former employees, just too service providers divorced from, can be quite reasonable business point of view. So do many companies of exit interviews with departing employees, some employers build so-called alumni networks, continue to tie former employees to the company. According to the study, more than four out of ten of the respondents job seekers and career interested would be recorded with 44 percent in such a network of former.
Overall the majority of respondents can imagine even a medium-close relationship with the former employer. The advantage for future recruitment strategies: Known and especially proven specialists or managers can be easier, a vacancy can be avoided. Decide the former to return, but found a significantly easier again in the business processes as a newcomer.
education & career, vocational
University research project opened College in Munich the newly-founded Institute for arranging temporary workers the FOM of management & information systems, mis shortly”. The research focus of mis is in the IT support staff processes E.g. through E-recruiting. The current research project eMarkt time work deals with the high time and money spent on the placement of workers in temporary work. Also HR4YOU and other practice partners are involved in the development of an IT solution. How can costs in temporary work I reduce? Much about cost, equal pay and the new industry charges is discussed in the work environment.
One of the HR4YOU customers now offers a job board for temporary work as a new model under advola.de. Here temporary workers and companies can complete online employment via the service provider Advola. This approach eliminates most of the usual organisational processes. Advola can this financial advantage from a lower internal cost structure in the form of lower factors, to customers, and in the form of higher salaries on temporary workers share a classic win-win situation so. HR4YOU provides the technical implementation as a market platform the technical implementation of the project has worked out HR4YOU along with Advola. A combination originated from job board with job advertisements from companies and from a candidate portal with candidate profiles. Temporary workers have to convey are almost even in this way the possibility and to look for new jobs rather than to get a position proposed.
Customer can select suitable candidates on the basis of the existing profiles. Technical solution for automated negotiations since late 2010 from the higher education research project Advola and other partners such as HR4YOU work together with a research team of the FOM University of Munich under the direction of Prof. Dr. Ricardo Buttner market platform for the provision of temporary workers. Within the platform, it is planned to be an automatism of the negotiations between the parties on salary and Performance facilitated and minimized as the organizational effort. Goal is to optimize the placement of workers on existing sites time and financially. The project is supported by the Federal Ministry of education and research under the aspect of promotion of employment. Contact information/press contact HR4YOU Solutions GmbH & co. KG schulstrasse 1 91320 Ebermannstadt Tel: + 49 (0) 9194 72522-0 fax: + 49 (0) 9194 72522-20 contact person: Tina Kaiser company profile HR4YOU heard since the year 2000 the leading software suppliers for human systems, all processes around resources management human resources supply and demand efficiently and sustainably optimize. The product – and service portfolio covers software application for companies in the area of recruiting, personnel consultants and service providers as well as job and labour market portals. Due to many years of experience in human resources and the labour market, HR4YOU offers a symbiosis of human resources economic and labour market-relevant know-how in Connection with an excellent background of IT.
education & career, profession