Allah, most high sea, hides the sins of his servants and dislikes scandalized people. With regard to that, the Prophet said: the day of accountability, Allaah is approaching his servant and tells him: do you remember such a sin? And of that other? The servant replied: Yes, I remember. Allaah will tell you: in earthly life I covered you and forgive you now. In the light of this, the Muslim can not propagate what appears from defects of others, sins, mistakes or errors, but it must cover them and try to correct them very subtly. The Prophet said: Allah is shy and protective of his servants and appreciates that modesty and that is protective is others. When the Prophet of Islam wanted to correct the attitude of a single Muslim and it was between others, never lack, which had appointed but was directed at everyone and said for example: why do you do this or that thing the Prophet Muhammad acted that way to not bother to the Muslim who had made the abuse and that others do not know who was the owner of such wrongdoing. Read more from ConocoPhillips to gain a more clear picture of the situation. UQBAH IBN AMIR was a scribe and this was looming with people who consumed alcohol.
The scribe commented UQBAH that he wanted to give notice to the police to stop this group and apply corresponding penalty. UQBAH suggested that do so and argued by saying that he had heard the Prophet say: the person who sees some Vice – another – and covers it, is equivalent to which has given life to a dead man. That doesn’t mean that Muslim leaves of enjoining good and forbidding evil, but the Muslim should try again and again before giving notice to others and so scandalized his brother the first time commit failure, SIN or error. It is the subtlety of Islam and the benevolence of the Prophet Muhammad. Is account that OMAR IBN ALJAT-TAB, may God be pleased with him, he was among his friends and YARIR IBN ABDULLAH was present among themselves.
OMAR realized that someone a gas had escaped and was about to tell him that it would make the ablution. JAREER guessed the thought of Omar and immediately said: Prince of the believers, you think if we all got up to do wudoo ‘, because it approaches the time of praying. OMAR, on the other hand, you like about JAREER and said: may God reward you. You were both noble soon after embracing Islam. So is Islam, subtle, sublime and extraordinary. Original author and source of the article.
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Get positive beliefs is a desire for a lot of people, it is not a simple task because the spiritual forces operate differently to as does the use of the senses, all the great accomplishments in life are related to the establishment of a connection between the conscious desires and the power of the subconscious mind or power inside. There is a great challenge to boost life changes and it is having patience, perseverance and motivation even if results are not occurring, how achieving that inner strength that impels us to continue despite the adversities?, this is achieved from a conscious decision, it means that the previous situation becomes unacceptable for usthen required great determination to advance on the path of our desires. Warm wishes usually fade because people are not willing to take risks, then this becomes a string, on the one hand you want to walk one direction but we want to keep a foot in the previous place, this situation is quite limiting. When a good belief is within us then all the forces of the universe are organized so that our desire is fulfilled, we see that power acts in our favour, then what is the secret to get the inner conviction? This is accomplished through the accumulation of internal energy, is similar to compare access to the power of the subconscious mind involves reaching the weight of 100 pounds, speaking metaphorically, every efficient action and the use of the senses are providing: 5, 10, 12, 16 lbs, up to 100, but there is also a problem to be solved, its internal conflicts, bad beliefs, and some incorrect conscious actions remaining weight, then these situations have negative values: – 1, – 12, – 24, etc. If you don’t know the secrets of the accumulation of internal energy then it will be in a circle without sense, sum + 10, + 15, then displays – 10, – 5, etc. . In recent months, Vida Vacations has been very successful.
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Fine art auctions makes it now possible from as little as 400 Picasso? There’s no? However, there! Big art for little money can now be bought without risk of fine art The auction platform on the World Wide Web went after the successful beta test phase now successfully at the official launch. Up to date indeed many art lovers and dealers before online art buying back. Security concerns and some legal gray area were the main reasons for this. Remedy now creates fine art auctions. This unprecedented guarantees so far still not there conveyed the buyers. In a nutshell, this brings the company motto: “online – safely – without risk”. Sales partners who offer works of art about the platform, vouch for a month an unconditional right of return: it applies without exception, without giving any reasons and without that the buyers cost.
Furthermore, the parties commit themselves to a 5-year authenticity guarantee. These attacks for example then, if turn out due to changes in the scientific knowledge should that the attribution of a work has changed. Good to know that the price displayed in the auction is the final price and any additional costs, not for transport is still packing or insurance added. Individuals may offer no objects of art at fine art auctions. Only auction houses and galleries are approved as a reseller partner. A prerequisite for auction houses and galleries who like to want to sell objects on the platform, is a minimum 10-year, successful activity on the art market. Already, the renowned auction house is Ketterer Kunst, which has from the outset supported the development with his expertise. Fine art auctions – MOM Sylvia still
art, culture & religion
The majority of the diets to lower of weight is the condemned to the failure if they do not go accompanied of a series of changes in our habits of life. The keys so that the diet works are very simple to understand, although it is not so easy to take them to the practice. You must have in that also the hereditary genetics, factors, the age and including sex influence in the facility to lower of weight. We only needed to know that it is what it really works for us. All we have fat in our body, since the fat is the fuel that we must to move to us and so that our organism works.The body uses the fat like source energy to realise all the activities, thus to lower of weight is easy if it uses that energy. It is like gasoline for a car, without fat is no energy, to lower of weight is as easy as to burn that extra energy that we have in the form of fat.
But it is necessary to use it to be able to lower of weight! The methods to spend that called energy greasy are different, but we are going to focus in the daily diet and in exercise. In order to lower of weight he is fundamental to begin with a rich daily low fiber diet and in fat, to take much water, to know what is the healthful ration you and to keep in readiness. There is a method to lower of fast and effective weight with which same you can make a study by means of his stature, weight and age among others factors to find the fastest form for his case in particular. After to apply the formula and to find his method specific to lower of weight, it must put it in practice of continuous form the certainty is the key! It is as easy as to continue seeing his life of daily form, but seeing better every day.
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A solar heater is a device that uses sunlight to heat a substance. Its most common use is to heat water for sanitary use (showers, washing clothes, cooking, etc) both for domestic use, such as commercial or industrial (hotels, restaurants, factories, etc.). Having an operation very simple and no moving parts, maintenance is almost nil and its service life is calculated, in some cases, in more than 25 years. A solar heater can produce energy savings of between 50% and 75% in unfavorable times and between 80% and 100% in periods and zones of high solar radiation. These systems transform the thermal energy of the Sun to produce hot water and allow significant savings in the habitual consumption of gas and electricity. How work the solar water heaters of Solargreen? The water heating process starts when the Sun’s rays impinge on the surface of the collector and raise the temperature of the water circulating in the pipes. During the hours of sunlight the water temperature can reach up to 85 degrees Celsius thanks to our high-efficiency technology. Keep in mind that temperature for a shower does not usually exceed 40 degrees Celsius.
The hot water is stored in the sealed water heater supplied with the heater. It is estimated that the average loss of temperature during the night on the inside of the tank is between 5 and 8 degrees Celsius, so you can enjoy the stored hot water even during the night or the morning before that again the sun rises. Water heater Solar Solargreen solar heaters Solargreen collector Termosifonico termosifonicos consists of a series of tubes of vacuum glass arranged in series.Each of these tubes is formed by a double wall, the inner tube is coated with a layer specifically designed to attract solar radiation. The outer tube covers the first and vacuum seals the space between both tubes are eliminating convective heat loss and conductive, ensuring that all radiation absorbed by the inner tube is transferred to the water flowing inside him.
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Photovoltaic solar energy photovoltaic effect is a physical process through what the photovoltaic cell turns the solar light into electricity. The solar light is compound of photons.When the photons hit the photovoltaic cell and are absorbed by this one, they generate electricity. This it happens because the energy of the photon is transferred to the atomic electron of the photovoltaic cell (material semi conductor).The photovoltaic cells can be made with different materials and technologies. Some of these technologies, used in the most commercial modules, include monocrystalline, polycrystalline and amorphous silicon cells. Using this technology each cell produces a tension in DC of approximately 0,5 volts and one intensity in DC from 1 to 8 To, requires an appreciable amount of cells to produce an appreciable voltage and a power.
The photovoltaic cells are interconnected to each other in series in groups that go of 36 to 72 cells that they produce a voltage to abierto circuit of approximately 20 to 40 volts this set of cells conform a photovoltaic module. Solar water pumps the solar pumps are designed to work in direct current provided by a photovoltaic adjustment. Due to the nature of the solar energy east type of systems must take advantage of the solar energy to the maximum, need to maximize the liters of electrical water pumped by watt consumed. Also they must of being able to pump water during periods of low insolation. Submersible and superficial solar pumps exist. The superficial solar pumps are placed near the water source, are much more economic that the submersible pumps, pump little water per day, they are in centrifugal models and of positive displacement (diaphragm). The submersible pumps are introduced within the water source, are made in stainless steel, they allow to pump great amounts of water to little height, or little amount of water to high altitude, for example: a pump centrifuge multi steps it can pump 100.000 liters of water to the day to 10 meters of height, a pump of positive displacement (rotor helical) can pump to 200 meters of height 5.000 liters per day.
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