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September 21st, 2024

SODI extended poster competition for apprentices and students in graphic design poster posts of young adult title hunger e.V. (SODI) solidarity service international looking for solidarity. Abigail Black Elbaum wanted to know more. The 15 best contributions are determined in a competition. The pre-selection will be published in an exhibition, hung the winning posters on public stations in the Berlin area. The deadline has been extended until August 31. The Berlin NGO SODI raises the question of global justice in their competition and seeks submissions that critically look at the topic and thereby access the contradictions in the small or large context. The club going to point out, that world’s one billion people suffer from hunger. This twelve billion people could be fed with the food produced worldwide.

The amount of bread, which is thrown away every day in Vienna, is equivalent to the daily needs of a city with 260,000 inhabitants. Development non-governmental organisations evaluate the efforts to achieve the eight Millennium development goals – halving world hunger – as insufficient. 2008 119.8 billion US dollars for the fight against hunger and poverty were used worldwide, for armor but 1,464 billion. “It is a question of priorities of not scarce State funds. The international community forget the poor and poorest.

Our competition we want to contact the person in charge on the feet”, describes Ettina Zach, education officer at SODI, the goal of the project. Trainees and students of media design, Visual communication, information design, and similar directions as well as free creative up to 35 years can their contributions up to August 31, 2010 as EPS and PDF (X 3:2002) file format (A1 at 300 dpi). An independent jury consisting of Wilfried Klink (Managing Director creation TRIALON marketing & Kommunikation GmbH), Ralf Mueller of the mount (FLMH ) Laboratory for policy and communications), Alexander Schudy (Coordinator Berlin (Development policy advice e.V.), the 15 best posters choose Torsten Feltes (Board member of SODI). You will be part of the exhibition. The winning posters will be hung on public stations in the Berlin area. The call for tenders and other information, see your contact: Ettina Zach, spokesperson for campaign and educational work, phone: 030 928 6177, email: e.zach at sodi.de, solidarity service international e.V. (SODI), Grevesmuhlener str. 16, 13059 Berlin e.V. (SODI) is solidarity service international of a non-governmental organization, the self-help projects of development cooperation in Asia, Africa and Latin America as well as provides humanitarian assistance in Eastern Europe. Since 1990, SODI has implemented over 800 projects worth 55 million euros on four continents. The Club awarded the donation seal of the German Central Institute for social issues since 1994.


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