MetPot Slide Potential Meters
This facilitates the Assembly of MetPot potentiometer. Film film versions can lead small particles or even air bubbles under the film to distortions and significant characteristic deviations. MetPot slide potentiometer are hermetically sealed glued and thus protected from environmental influences such as dirt, dust and moisture. With the exception of the plug connection, they meet the requirements of IP67. They can be used also in ex-protected zones.
The linearized MetPot Folienpotentio meters are available in lengths from 50 mm to 500 mm. In addition to linear systems, also linearized Rotary sensors with diameter up to 400 mm are available. Some typical specifications of the linearized slide potentiometer: measuring lengths 0 50 0 500 mm Terminator 2. 20 kohms, depending on length of the measuring resistance tolerance +/-20% independent linearity: < +/-0.4% at MEAs. lengths < 250 mm < +/- 0.3% for lengths > 250 mm repeat accuracy type. 0.05 mm hysteresis type. 0.25 mm width 21.3 +/-0.5 mm thickness of element 1.7 +/-0.2 mm temperature range-25 105 C-40 125 C (restricted data) life 25 million cycles adjustment speed 1 m/sec, protection class IP 67 with the exception of plug and connecting with the linearisierten MetPot Slide Potentiometers opens a number of new use cases. Similar to film-foil versions or classic grinder potentiometers can be found many applications in the automotive industry, medical technology, air and space technology or robotics. Some typical examples are: – position detection in automotive or aircraft seats – positioning of cylinders or actuators – electric and pneumatic actuators – positioning of robot arms – positioning of solar panels – monitoring of car body systems such as mirrors, Windows or convertible roofs – position monitoring of operating tables in medical technology