Jean Claude Abric
(highlight our). We have there the objetivacao, crystallization and the homogenization of the representation of the concept of public, in Brazil, is in the area of education in health, or other services also destined for the population. Crystallization and objectification which are real and which are produced socially. The same happens with knowledge, in that the production of one monograph or a hipotese in a TCC online also occur so public. It is not negligible considering the fact that public representation, anchored in various elements of the missing have, what remains to be done, works as negation is always present, of non-recognition of important actions for the improvement of the conditions of teaching. It consolidates a vision of continuous caregiving power public to education, which has an impact on attitudes and behaviour at school and in the classroom. With such crystallized representation, is as nothing, ever, could be good or relatively good, which generates a little receptive atmosphere the innovations, although interesting and necessary.
Therefore, the commitment to change that culture is condition to have a more conscious and critical (not reactive and destructive) participation. This is a space outside the scope of the linear rationality: not enough inform and disclose. It is necessary to mobilise, make believe, wrap, lead to effective participation, creating conditions for a critique anchored in greater objectivity and not in sentido-comun. Disinformation here has paper deleterious and, for that reason, it is imperative to create paths of communication more transparent, more agile, more exposed, to reverse that picture in which the image of the public school is always a something hopelessly ugly and bad. Pedagogical practices become contaminated with these images, generating little effective ways of dealing with real, specifically installed in society, problems and which are reflected in the classroom. In this sense, and matching Jean Claude Abric, we would say: the downtown core theory implies an essential methodological consequence: studying a social representation is home, and before anything, pick up the constituents of its downtown core. In fact, the knowledge of a content isn’t enough. It provides consistency and relevance to that content is your organization, its logico-semantica significance and, mainly, its sense.
Continuing, Abric deepens wound considerations and provides an example to clarify them further, saying that two identical content may correspond to the two different social representations. Let’s look at an example: studying the social representation about work in two groups of young people (a group of qualified, graduates and with high degree, and a group of unskilled, i.e. not holders of diplomas or qualifications), obtained through the procedures of Association, two identical productions. Original author and source of the article.