Hide Stretch Marks
Tips to conceal stretch marks. ** In first place, there is much to moisturize the skin. Massaging the area with oils help to stretch marks go by rinsing with time. You can use jojoba, sweet almond oil, rose hip. Apply after shower. You can obtain these oils in herbalist’s shops or supermarkets. I bought in Mercadona oil of sweet almond and Rosa de Mosqueta. * Another way of dissimulate them is to apply yourself self-tanners, these products stain your skin temporarily, covering stretch marks.
Self-tanners there are many different brands and prices. There are maquillaje, Loreal, Garnier, Dove, Nivea, Lancome, Avene, Clarins * another option is to buy a body makeup that is your skin tone to apply I what about stretch marks to make them invisible. Although some manufacturers have lines of water resistant make-up, make-up is probably not the best solution if you plan to spend much time in the water. Use a concealer that is slightly lighter than the natural tone of your skin. Never choose a darker tone, only will cause stretch marks stand out more. Using a makeup brush, apply the concealer in strokes only in the tread area. Gently mix the other skin. Use a concealer to polluted heavy make-up test if you plan to swim.
Once you apply this makeup in the area with stretch marks, it is time to apply a little powder compact, also of the same tone. As well as when you maquillas you face don’t forget neck, when cover stripes e.g. legs, do it across a broad sector; not only in the hairlines typical, because it feels that it will be makeup and will draw attention; precisely what we want to avoid. Artdeco has some proofreaders camouflage for what are stretch marks, scars, tattoos and things as well, and are highly recommended. MAC also has body makeup. You don’t need to spend money on a specific make-up, you can use your spell if it is good and hiding. Looking for a color similar to your skin and apply the flutes, fixing it then with translucent powder. ** If you take Sun therefore the best you will see that in summer to the Tan skin stretch marks almost unnoticed. ** The stretch mark creams are generally very expensive, and none will take your stretch marks. Many creams there are stretch mark, mainly in pharmacies, Isdin have good fame. Laser removal is a method that is currently used but this is a very complex process, there are several recipes that are recommended and that give good result.