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Fund Energy

May 30th, 2016

Already over 200 million euros on investor of energy capital invest paid which placed in 2010 participation of the Stuttgart-based energy company energy capital invest eighth invested the acquired funds in the exploration of oil and natural gas-assisted areas in Texas. As with the the energy capital invest, funds were conveying rights free of charge filed by the initiator in the Fund and raised capital to finance the exploration. Last week, the Stuttgart-based as prospects have resolved the US oil and gas Fund VIII KG and repaid the net deposit. In addition, investors received the remaining share in profits, as well as a final bonus. Conception according to the investors of the eighth participation had their gains maximum 35 percent tax (subject progression). Thus, energy capital invest has despite its short history, after all, the company is paid out only since 2008 on the capital market actively, so far more than EUR 200 million on his investors profits and capital repatriation. So far, all funds were distributed in a timely manner and with the highest share in profits for the investors during the planning of the prospectus or resolved.

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