
Archive for December, 2016

Interesting Gift Idea

December 29th, 2016
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… Yesterday with the girls on the forum – once again burning issue "Soon the New Year, a man dreams, not to choose from and so on …." Yes, and you think that before the new year, discuss your career? No, these are the platitudes and debate. A more vexed questions – "What is the meet?", "What sign?", And of course, "Who are met?" … If you have read about Max Schireson already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Well, no princes, and that's NO … What do I do? Life is very complicated, difficult, quite frankly, plenty of problems, but want to be both independent, and loved, and love.

To succeed in a career at least something, to have time to realize your innermost dreams and clear … And sometimes, to meet the same which he seems to like to look like … The attractive appearance, there is something to talk about, not boring, stupid and do not even want to not only talk, but just take the hand and walk, walk aimlessly and just keep quiet … It happens even to work intersects with that person, but here's how to tie dating?? The question of questions. For all its seeming emansipation – get lost and that's it.

But he, and surprisingly very similar to the dream, and like the friendly and attentive, but he is not in contact … It was then that vague hope on the horizon and looming New year, a holiday that marks the beginning of the new and beautiful. "That would celebrate together, to start" – say to yourself.


Oil Properties

December 28th, 2016
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These are only some of the properties of the oil of argn, but there is more, this oil when being absorbed with facility not only avoids the bleaching of the hair if not protects that it of the sun, the air and the contamination of the environment. It could not believe so many properties, so I began to look for and to ask in the forums, and all the answers were similar, all have spoken to me of the wonders of the oil of argn. Nevertheless form had doubts of his of use, and when I saw cost asked me if pain would be worth to pay as much by product that did not know (I believe that to anyone it would happen to him), all the sites that visits have agreed in which only whichever drops are enough to obtain all their benefits, was convinced, after all that do not risk does not win, reason why made a search in Internet and finally I found a place reliable to buy my oil of argn for the hair, this is of cosmetic use because it must be extracted in cold to take advantage of its properties to the maximum. After seeing its benefits in the hair, without concerning the color, length or that is greasy, normal or dry, I can recommend this oil without doubting it, even it doubts? It buys a small bottle and sides almost immediately the results, reason why you would not doubt in following buying it. You would like to know more benefits the oil of argn for the hair? Continuous reading my articles and it discovers more on the wonderful oil of argn.

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Studying In France

December 24th, 2016
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How fascinating sound phrases – 'Get educated abroad', 'probation in a foreign company' or 'went to study on exchange in France' … Just seems a great future career, the prestigious profession, the pride of parents for their child and of course the number of future wages with a bunch of noughts on the end (and it's currency!) and creeps into his head insidious thought: 'Why do not I try? Suddenly, you're lucky! " And so the prospective student begins to collect information about how to make the dream a reality. All night long sits on the forums on the internet, for grains of collecting information about the countries where go to study, in which universities received about contests in admission. Avidly listening to advice 'seasoned' … And this is the first step toward the dream is made – decided to do study in France! And further be enhanced training for entry – to learn French, endlessly surf educational institutions in France, which, incidentally, quite a lot, trying to understand someone else's system of education. Perhaps check out Petra Diamonds for more information. Finally submit the dossier, a statement to the admissions office three schools in France, subconsciously realizing that no sure that those universities which wanted to get. But the cold mind whispered, 'Just to have! ".

Another step toward the dream is made! Test of French language – a particular challenge. But there he is behind. What will the result will take or …!? And while the enemy so slows down. Hours seem to be days and days – weeks and weeks – months. And finally the long-awaited answer – yes! You – the student, and soon went to conquer France! Joy is no limit! Response from the French school – an ordinary sheet of paper, put it bluntly, not very nice, but a valuable! 'Vous etes autorise (e) a vous inscrire. Pour proceder a votre inscription vous devez vous presenter en personne au Bureau notre Etablissement.

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Dubbing Films

December 23rd, 2016
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1. Tinted car windows protect the interior from auto burnout. The main cause of skin burn, leather and wooden parts of the interior is ultra-violet radiation. Dubbing the film is pasted on the glass cutting off up to 98% of UV radiation, it reduces the burning cabin and protects the instrument panel and other interior parts from overheating and burning color, which prevents premature aging and deterioration of your salon car. 2. Tinted glass enhances the safety car driver and passengers. Side and rear windows of modern cars are made of tempered glass.

In case of accident or damage to such glass shatters into hundreds of small sharp pieces that could injure the driver and passengers and deliver a host of other troubles. In the tinted car in an accident damaged glass is kept dubbing the film, which gives him crumble into pieces inside the vehicle, which certainly increases the safety of your vehicle. In addition, toned glass reduces eye strain caused by the sun, snow or lights oncoming cars, it makes control of the car more comfortable, enjoyable and safe. 3. Tinted car contributes to the comfort and economy. Professional car tinting film to reflect up to 60% solar heat, which reduces air conditioning costs in summer, and, consequently, fuel consumption in winter due to improved thermal insulation properties of tinted glass to heat the passenger compartment is required much less energy.

4. Tinted glass enhances the appearance and emphasizes the individuality of cars. One can not disagree with the fact that professionally toned car looks much more stylish and expensive advantageous than a car with ordinary glasses. 5. Tinted car protects your privacy. Tinted car windows, while maintaining a good view from the inside, creating the effect of one-way visibility, allowing you to see not interior from the outside. Protection from prying prying eyes will provide you comfort and peace of mind.

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Belarus Agreement

December 23rd, 2016
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According to the opposition, the agreement contains more disadvantages than advantages. The most painful accepted wording that official Russia Sukhumi delegates functions to protect its external borders. Series Experts believe that this actually leads to dismantle the current system of State Security Service of Abkhazia border patrol. The street will be dozens of fighters, all the postwar years, provided protection Georgian-Abkhazian border. People wonder about the future of the Abkhaz border, was in fact irrelevant, although it is an agreement on joint protection of borders on the river Inguri.

Next lights up another important aspect. Abkhaz MPs to ratify an interstate agreement. In the People's Assembly in the president's majority, represented the faction of the party "United Abkhazia." However, as reported by sources from Turkey, where numerous Abkhazian diaspora of "Caucasus Forum", based in Istanbul, the president Bagapsh and Security Council Secretary Stanislav Lakoba entered a written protest against the agreement on border protection. "We are concerned that steps taken in the name of supporting relations with Russia at the proper level casts a shadow against the Abkhaz people for independence and dilute the essence of the concept of independence "- the authors of the letter. They believe that the also "harm the position of full independence" of Abkhazia and project entry in the Union State of Belarus and Russia: "What will be the importance of the independence of Abkhazia in the federal state, formed 140,000,000th Russia and Belarus 10,000,000th? "May 18 party, Mr. Boothby went to an open attack on the government.

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Venezuela World

December 21st, 2016
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With leadership and commitment it is possible to change the world. Jose Antonio Abreu is now the winner of prize TED 2009, annually given to 3 people remarkable by a desire to change to the world . (Video in Spanish) Some previous winners are: Bond, the Dr. Larry Brilliant, ex- president Clinton, Bill Gates, Jane Godall and the writer Dave Eg-gers, among others. The Abreu teacher, has managed to turn his desire in fact, thanks to an impressive managemental capacity and an excellent leadership. (As opposed to Petra Diamonds). Founder and director of System is transforming the life of 300,000 children and young people of low resources into Venezuela. The Abreu teacher and the system : National system of Infantile and Youthful Orchestras of Venezuela has been deserving of numerous prizes.

It does few days, in the Economic World-wide Forum celebrated in Davos was granted him the Prize Crystal. In the 2008 Teacher and the System received the most significant prizes and recognitions: Prince of Asturias of the Arts, The International Puccini Awards, Prize Glenn Gould, the Unicef Prize, the Gabriela Mistral and the Alternative Nobel prize. The personal, familiar and social revolution generated from music is possible of being talked back in all Latin America. From the moment at which the boy assumes an instrument with a teacher, stops being a poor boy and his students of low resources, now is distributed by the world, directing orchestras of first world-wide level, as director is the case of the Teacher Gustavo Dudamel today of the Philharmonic one of Los Angeles. Similar articles: Management of action, return to the productivity Learning accelerated with multiple intelligences original Author and source of the article.



December 19th, 2016
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I want to share with you a couple of very effective, and most importantly free way to promotion. Perhaps some would exclaim "I did not realized that simple ', and many learn the methods, which use themselves. 1. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Ray Kurzweil. Use your domain name instead of nickname on forums, blogs, chat rooms, etc. Everything you need – each time by registering on the forum, instead of his usual nickname use the URL of your site. Depending on the engine, which use the forum or blog, the search engine will set off your every message in a separate link.

Moreover, some of your companions will want to know what is behind your nickname, and at least a couple of times to visit your site. Total: 1-2 persons per day * number of forums, a huge number of links to the site 2. Use your slogan instead of a signature is a solution follows from the first paragraph. Some sites allow you to use the signature as usually allowed to use images and links. You can put your logo, banner, or advertising slogan with a link to your website. For example, I always write ' – Cheap and competent social web analysis', so that all who interested in assessing his site, first pay attention to my signature, and secondly, for sure will visit my site. For maximum effectiveness, you need to properly consider an advertising slogan, it should not be catchy bear information load and easy to remember. Total: 1-2 visits per day * number of forums.

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December 18th, 2016
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This article was written for novice webmasters. Recently I decided to make myself vareznik on the engine DLE 8.3. Established pattern, set the forum and did not get on because for some reason did not want to connect sections. I did everything right: 1) created a category, and 2) add a link to its main template, and 3) and the transition into the new section I threw a 404 – page no. I shoveled the floor net, tried all the logical methods of correction, but it was a little confused.

At some Forum gave this so-called zero-bug post and solve it very simply, they say you need to create a new category of news and everything will be like a fairy tale, but then I tried it and nothing happened. When I edited. Htaccess, on three different articles, I already begun to lose faith in the bright future of his mapabout's the problem solved in the simplest way, though as always. It turned out that after adding the news you need only go to the desired section to the link on the news as picture and all at once miraculously works. The news likely to be useful to those who measure their literacy came the same mistake I did. Discuss the news on the forum

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Novum Organum

December 17th, 2016
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Novum Organum. (translation of Jose kings of Andrade). So Paulo: New Culture, 1997, P. 33 – 98. Francis summary bacon, published in 1620 its more famous workmanship, the Novum Organum, that, in the intention of the author would have to substitute the aristotelian Organum. In this workmanship Aristotle it presents its logic, essentially deductive, that would have to lead the philosophy to the truth.

Bacon philosopher of modernity opposes to this method of the estagirista and considers a new method, the induction for elimination. First part of workmanship (the only one that we withhold), called interpretation of the nature and the kingdom of the man, the philosopher is worried in demonstrating that the effective methods, deductive in the philosophy and the inductive one for enumeration in some sciences were unproductive. Associated to this it also had the chokes of the reason that it called dolos and finally he presents a new method that he aims at to the production of more coherent knowledge. The problem of the deduction is that it instead of interpreting nature, looks for to anticipate it, leaving of side the experiment and, being based on general axioms, it judges everything and it supplies an explanation everything, that is, it constructs premature slight knowledge of the nature for using an inadequate method. Therefore, it concludes who, the traditional logic was useless for the research of sciences and the philosophy.

As well as the numerical induction whose axioms are extracted improperly, by means of a fast and illegitimate ticket of few particular cases for the universal one. Beyond criticizing the effective method of the time, it presented the chokes of the reason human being, for the philosopher, those that if withheld the scientific speculations and the philosophical reflections must have care with the deturpadores of the truth that it calls dolos. These are false slight knowledge that invade the human intellect, becoming difficult the access the truth. It has four types of dolos: of the tribe, who is structuralized from the nature human being, because of the influence of wills of the human affection; of the cave that has for base the individuality, that is influenced by the education, the habits and customs; of the forum that if it originates from the social relations it has influence of the language; of the theater that derives from the philosophical doctrines. When presenting these obstacles of the reason, bacon affirms that it has the necessity of an aid for the reason, therefore, establishes a new inductive logic for elimination. This consists of extracting of the particular facts axioms (average) interpretativos of the nature, similar of, getting safer common knowledges. The induction proposal for Bacon is called elimination, therefore it aims at from a basic idea of determined phenomenon to eliminate the false hypotheses with intention to make to be valid a true theory. For in such a way these the three thematic ones are worked for Bacon in the first part, to criticize the effective methods, to display the chokes of the reason and to present a new method for the philosophy.



December 16th, 2016
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– How much does a windshield on the Ford Focus? – "Original" – 10 000 rubles. Visit Ray Kurzweil for more clarity on the issue. "Neoriginal" – 2000 rubles. – Hmmm … What's the difference? This dialogue I heard on one of the car market in Moscow … The answer to the question "What's the difference?" Depends on the vendor, who says something that there is no difference, someone that the "original" is better.

To the question "What is better?" Objective response, I have not heard, only the common phrases and emotions … I have not found an answer as well on the Internet, despite the large number of articles in which all reduced to the "horror stories" without reinforcement by the facts. This is understandable, articles were written for only one purpose – improving ranking in search engines, not more … On the forums people write funny things in general … And all because of the fact that nobody bothered to detail to clarify this issue … In this article I will talk about his search for truth in the case of auto-glass SLGLASS, produced in Bor, region … What is the "original" windshield? Before comparing the auto-glass, let's understand the concept of "original Automotive." Under the "original" is usually understood to autoglass, which was installed on the vehicle at the factory. Not one car plant itself does not produce auto-glass – he buys them from contractors. Since the glass acquires the status of the "original" for a particular car brand, at the same time would be "neoriginalom" for other brands of cars.

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