
Archive for July, 2016

Due Date For The Tax Return Ends

July 27th, 2016
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This year, the whit weekend provides for two additional days at the tax declaration 2008. Instead of the 31 May must be only the tax on June 2, 2009 at the tax office. This date applies to all taxpayers, who are obliged to submit of the tax return. Working with the academic community provides the conditions for the tax liability on its Internet portal abgabepflichtzur available. Who gives off a tax return but voluntarily because he anticipates a refund, has time until 31.12.2012. But why should then wait that long on the reimbursement of the Treasury? Most taxpayers simply shun the work effort that brings the tax return with. But worth the effort. Because especially in this year there was a some tax changes, which the tax citizens more on tax refund introduce by the revision of the commuter lump sum up to the ability to deduct the costs for domestic helpers.

Who uses an electronic Assistant, goes to play it safe and is used by the software noted on all savings. For example by the tax savings 2009, which equally convinced users and trade press due to their ease of use and accuracy, and therefore with many test victories is excellent. For more information see. More about which offers consumers tips and assistance around the subject of taxes. In addition to in-depth information, the News reported tax currently under discussion, decisions and their impact on the consumer. is an online service of the academic Association, which has established itself over 30 years of experience in the areas of tax, money and legal information service provider and software provider. Working with the academic community is part of the international publishing company Wolters Kluwer.

In Germany, Wolters Kluwer Germany is on the market for 20 years. Learn more on the subject from Dry Harbor Rehabilitation Center. Around 1,000 staff are employed at 23 locations. How to contact with Angelika Krauss press and public work academic Arbeitsgemeinschaft Publisher Wolters Kluwer Germany GmbH Janderstrasse 10, 68199 Mannheim FON: + 49.621.86 26-5258 fax: + 49.621.86 26-5252 E-Mail: Web: Xpand21 GbR Doris Loster schulstrasse 21, 80634 Munich FON: + 49.89. 12 00 7277 fax: + 49.89. 12 00 3424 E-Mail: Web:

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Earth System

July 25th, 2016
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Since the interplanetary space is not "completely empty", a moving solar system creates itself shock wave. Background thickness of the shock wave until the middle of 1960 amounted to 4.3 astronomical units (1 a., Is equal to the average distance from Earth to the Sun, or 150 million kilometers). Since mid-1970's last century, American academic space probes a series of "Pioneer", "Voyager" and "Mariner", and the Soviet probe Mars and Venus started to send to Earth a huge volume and a completely new information on the content. Data obtained from the probes showed that in the 1970 years of the thickness of the shock waves began to grow rapidly, and by mid-1980 has already reached 43 astronomical units. This means that the path of flight, and the interaction sphere solar system and interstellar medium formed condensation of matter and energy. In the plasma of a shock wave has sharply increased the intensity of electromagnetic interactions of charged particles and the flow of ionized plasma (galactic wind) began intensive to enter the solar system. Conclusion of scientists is clear: in the late twentieth century, the solar system has entered into an incredibly powerful stream of energy coming from the center of our galaxy. This is the same galactic beam, which we were warned our ancestors. Hence, the dramatic changes of climate of the planet, the offset of the magnetic poles, the fall of the magnetic field and increase the resonant frequency of the Earth (the so-called Schumann resonance). Hence the incredible intensity of solar flares and associated natural disasters.

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Samsung Electronics

July 16th, 2016
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South Korean electronics maker Samsung Electronics upcoming summer release is not unusual for a new product – Mobile phone Solar Crest, which will run only on solar energy. Despite the fact that the price and specific dates Sales are still unknown, there is evidence that the novelty will be sold only in Asia. The new phone will be equipped with a solar battery that can fill a full-time charge the battery device. 10-minute charging process will be enough to hold 3-minute phone conversation. ions. ‘The new model will be relevant for the residents of those regions where there are problems with electricity supply, and power outages – this frequent and lengthy procedure ‘- said in Samsung.

The Korean manufacturer does not preclude the start of sales in the handset market in India and Africa. Corps ‘solar phone’ will be made from recyclable plastic, which helps reduce fuel consumption and carbon dioxide emissions during production. Click Daniel Chavez Moran to learn more. And apparatus, and the charger does not contain harmful substances such as brominated flame flammable inhibitors, beryllium, etc.


Sun Reflection

July 15th, 2016
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The latitude also influences directly in the amount of radiation that arrives the terrestrial surface, therefore the terrestrial axle possesss average inclination of 23, such characteristic in accordance with the period of the year, makes with that a hemisphere is more ' ' iluminado' ' , that is, it receives greater radiation that the other, thus, the stations of the year, as much the main ones as summer and winter, as the transitory ones as autumn and spring, is alternated in each hemisphere, therefore, the Land possesss rocking of different radiation during the sazonais periods of the stations of the year. The altitude of the Sun, understood here as the angular relation between the incident ray and the tangent formed in one determined point of the terrestrial surface, also it affects in the amount of incident solar radiation on the Land, therefore how much lesser the surface will be the angle of the tangent formed in relation, minor will be the bigger absorption and Albedo, that is, capacity of reflection of energy proceeding from the solar ray for the surface, in the same way how much bigger it will be the formed angle, more intense it will be the absorption of the incident ray and lesser it will be its reflection. Soon, during the first hours of the morning and in entardecer the Sun forms the lesser angles in relation the terrestrial surface what it causes to minor absorption of energy and greater reflection process, with the evolution of the day the Sun arrives at its maximum point of altitude to the noon forming great and straight angles in the tangent with the surface, in this case the energy absorption will be bigger while the reflection will be neglected. Inside of as the group of factors that influence the distribution of insolation on the terrestrial surface, has it distribution of the liquid and terrestrial surfaces, beyond the rise and the behavior of the same ones.


Ecological Safety In Construction: Building The Future

July 14th, 2016
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Environmental security has become one of the latest trends in construction as the residential and industrial, office and commercial buildings. Of course, it did not become a mass movement – the technology by which ensures environmental safety is poorly developed and insufficiently effective. But work in this direction are ongoing, but it's a good sign – it is quite possible that soon the environmental safety in construction will not exotic, but the norm. At present, it is clear what requirements must meet the house during construction is to comply with environmental safety. This building is minimally violates ecosystem, very sparingly uses electricity from non-renewable sources, as well as other natural resources.

Environmental security implies a reduction in emissions of pollutants into the environment, and minimize waste of all types. Finally, environmental safety during construction provides the comfort of the man himself, his health. This means that the premises must always be fresh air, good lighting, There should be no germs of various diseases. At this stage, full environmental safety in buildings is unattainable, but some aspects are already well developed and gradually introduced into practice. In order to start building homes that meet the requirements of environmental safety, it is necessary to look at the construction of a new, or rather, remember the well-forgotten old, backed by its high technologies.

Ecological safety in construction – a concept based on the principle of natural conditions to create a comfortable environment. Compare: today's houses are designed so as to protect a person from the wind, the heat and cold, rain and snow. In order to maintain indoor comfort, you need constantly to use any devices that spend energy and other resources. Environmental safety calls to benefit from all natural phenomena. Thus, the roof of the house not only protects from the sun – located on its solar panels can partially satisfy the need for electricity. With proper planning of buildings and the correct choice of the construction site does not need air conditioning – ventilation is provided in a natural way. If you collect dozens of these solutions together, we get the house future – a convenient and environmentally safe.


Probiotic Yogurt

July 14th, 2016
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With ZUMIT probiotic yogurt smoothies, 98% fat free, specialized in the commercialization of smoothies in Spain, offering to its customers and distributors very beneficial to health natural products. Among these products, we can find: PROBIOTIC YOGURT probiotic yogurt promotes the development of the intestinal flora facilitating good digestion, strengthening the defenses and reducing our tiredness and possible digestive disorders. YOGURT 98% fat free yogurt 98% fat-free becomes a healthy food that gives all the properties of yogurt consumers favoring a balanced diet. SMOOTHIES with YOGURT yogurt is an increasingly demanded product by consumers and that represents a great contribution nutritional and quality to your smoothies. SMOOTHIES, or natural smoothies IQF ZUMIT sells, represent a true revolution in the sectors of health, hospitality and catering. One variety, its nutritional properties and a unique flavor differentiate them from any other product on the market. Still not have you tried them? Source: Press release sent by Smoothies Zumit. Homemade moisturizers for dry lips Beauty, recipes and natural products Beauty treatments Plants beauty treatments for digestive disorders Biohealth. Biological and anti-aging medicine stress in executives homemade recipes with natural products and their properties Web beauty NATO and Russia will study uniting their missile defenses at its forthcoming Summit Radio Bio-Bio


High Performance Management

July 14th, 2016
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Thus, it is reinforcing one of the most valuable skills you can acquire: the ability to evaluate and improve their own performance. Step 3: Probe of areas for development The third step is to ask the coachee what would change if I could do it again. Obviously, if the pupil knows what can be improved and knows how to improve it, do not benefit from it are saying! And mentally rehearsing what to do otherwise, increases the chance that he actually carried out the improvement. Most experts agree that two or three areas for development are enough for anyone to work. Working on a list of things to change is frustrating and futile. Focus on areas of greatest need. When identifying areas for development, the coachee can not be identified to which you thought was most important. Once again, you can redirect their perception by identifying what he saw would not have allowed it to reach its conclusion.

"I agree that it has identified two areas had made the call definitely be better. How about the effect of his property was the presentation of the product on the client and why? What could I do differently next time …? " Step 4: Summarize and Support While there may be limited to a few training strengths and areas for further development, must submit a brief summary of the discussion, especially what the coachee to do differently next time. This summary will be the most important things are still fresh in memory. You will also want to support the changes by saying something like: "I think these changes will make your next call be even better." Follow these four steps to help your employees and colleagues improve their performance. (This information comes from Coaching for Performance, a module in Entelechy's High Performance Management program. This module, as well as our 40 other modules, learning tools and guides for games I have a diagram or drawing jpg Word of the coaching model to illustrate the process better than words. I have also available in Word format.


Super Holographic Time

July 14th, 2016
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” The Flogger” Grandmother;: Typical personage of the network Fotolog in 2008 that he attracted young multitude of Today thought about our grandparents and its customs, those that realised in some time of their life like daily but which until today they continue doing as if the time had not advanced, or they had stagnated at the time of the radio, of the television just removed from the furnace, to weave by hand, to listen to tango, than it is that outside, but the TV HD, the computers, the newspapers Online would be rare tiny beast. It was then when it was happened to me to think that someday it would arrive at that but a little more adapted to the reality that I am living. Dry Harbor Nursing Home addresses the importance of the matter here. They by then imagine to be old listening David Guetta next to our grandsons, super revolutionized, and who say to us: ” That old excrement of music choto! ” , or perhaps ” How is used this huevadita that removes photos? ” or worse even ” Play Station 3? jaja, that old fashioned, I had left with the Super Holographic 9.5″. It sounds stranger and until pelotudo I admit, it, but that says that moment at which we put ourselves to speak tonteras of our times to not is going us to arrive. Eye, I clarify that it enchants to me to listen my grandparents to count histories of its times, I am not saying that I seem suitable to need the respect thus to our predecessors, I am only giving a projection to future of us and having in account as the hand with but very small comes Agarrate sprocket.



July 14th, 2016
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But if we already fell into the trap, apart from deleting the event in question, it is convenient to enter the account settings and verify that nothing strange there is. From there, it’s always well comment the trouble with our contacts, to raise awareness and protect us all. The common denominator of all these attacks is the promotion through them of false applications, generally related topics as you see who looks at your profile, find out who has deleted you on Facebook, etc. viruses that used Facebook to infiltrate PCs for its part there are malicious software that use this platform to enter our computers. These viruses steal the identity of social network and circulating on the Internet. Inserted into computers through an order for downloading files.

Ask these viruses for users by e-mail or instant messaging to fall contaminated files.The first of these, a Trojan program is capable of operating in the computer of a user without their permission to send spam or junk mail. Asprox.N is called and is propagated from an email with an attached document that says to speak on behalf of Facebook. Notifies the user that their account generates spam and that your password has been changed. Within the message there is a Word file where apparently would be the key. But to download the attachment, the user enables all ports and sends this spam to your contacts, without it or even notice it.

The second, Lolbot.Q, is spread via links in instant messaging services and immobilizes the user on Facebook account. Then the virus requests Navigator your phone number to the company to send you a new password so I can enter to the social network, when actually what it does is to subscribe the user to a Messenger service that could pay more than $10 a week. Increasingly more hackers take advantage of the massive popularity of Facebook, with more of 500 million users worldwide, and make it the perfect target to promote their pirate activities. Speaking candidly Vida Vacations told us the story. Wary of any message with a subject line too striking, as well as be careful when providing personal information on the Internet it is recommended.

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Using Natural Viagra Ginseng

July 14th, 2016
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Natural Viagra Ginseng: Used to increase sexual energy, especially in cases where a lack of desire is associated with stress and a general feeling of weakness and fatigue. It works in men as in women. Maca: It has substances similar to natural estrogen, which makes an indication as regulator of sexual functions. In addition to energize, increase fertility in both sexes. Guarana: It acts on the brain by decreasing the feeling of fatigue and also stimulates circulation and respiratory system. It is recommended especially the elderly. It has a mild diuretic action. Damiana: Causes an erection more sensitive.

Keep in mind that high doses can be cathartic or produce tachycardia. Sabal: The fruits or berries are used as very appropriate inflammatory moderate prostate problems, when it enlarges and stiffens, causing difficulties in urination and erectile capacity decreases. Therefore it is most advisable in older men. It is also used for cases of female hirsutism. Ginkgo Biloba: A plant very effective in the treatment of venous problems, to increase circulation in the capillaries, can help improve the quality of erection and orgasm in both sexes.

By its action on the brain, is also recommended in lack of sexual desire associated with taking antidepressants. A’am: An invigorating general, what makes men of West Africa to appreciate it especially to increase virility. Aphrodisiacs a both for men and for women. In a liter of wine, let marinate for 15 days following ingredients: 25g of cinnamon. Ginseng 35g. 20g of vanilla. Filter the expiry of the time mentioned. It is advisable to have a drink before you start the foreplay. It works in men as in women …. Also Oysters and Chocolate are considered great aphrodisiac. Libido stimulants Dates: They are full of energy and minerals. They are excellent for treating fatigue. Pumpkin seeds: They are especially rich in zinc, essential for the production of fertile sperm, and to protect the prostate and acts like an antioxidant. Oysters: Excellent for the production of sperm and maintenance of male sexual potency. Cinnamon: It is a strong tonic and circulatory stimulant. Add to your understanding with Vida Vacations. “Warms up” the body. Savory: Used since time immemorial to sexually stimulate even banned planting in the convents in the Middle Ages. Mint: A traditional aphrodisiac that his power may be made to generate heat internally and improve circulation. The peppermint is a good general tonic to replenish vital energy. Parsley: Used in potions to “encourage” women. Parsley also stimulates circulation, increases energy and is very nutritious.
