In 2010 Jundia only gained more than 11 a thousand vacant of work, according to CAGED? I register in cadastre Generality of Employed and Unemployeds of the MTE? Ministry of the Work and job. Of this total, 8,772 vacant had been filled by workers whom Ensino has Average as escolaridade, 981 for professionals who possess the diploma of superior course and 592 for who only studied until 5 year of Basic Ensino. Analyzing these numbers it is easy to perceive that who wants to work and is in the age ' ' certa' ' , it has chance. With this, who has years behind did not have no possibility and nor expectation to obtain a job is being contracted and still receiving qualification for the companies where they had started to act. A survey carried through for the CNI? Nacional Industrial Confederation, consulted sample that 69% of the company on account have problems of the lack of qualified man power. Already 78% affirm that they had initiated the investment in the qualification and formation of its collaborators.
If you are in the region search of a chance of work, the tip is to search vacant of job in Jundia in the classified ones of local sites as the Jundia Online. Another suggestion is gratuitously to register in cadastre the resume in vestibules that disponibilizam this service. Carrying through some of these actions, with certainty you will be increasing its possibilities to obtain a replacement in the work market. But, Jundia always was the good land of who search chances. The history and the development of the city if mix the diversity of the economy and the man power. Today, the rhythm of growth of Jundia is sped up.
Who contributes for this is the implantation of the Technological Park, that will go to alavancar this area in the region. But for being this segment to be so fast it is that they not only lack qualified professionals in Jundia, but in the State of entire So Paulo. They are more than 150 a thousand vacant of work in the technology area that in are opened. A solution for this? The courses with lesser duration must take care of to this demand.
personal development
With the social networks in Internet, the superficiality in our relations she is still more accusing. Facebook, to twitter, tuenti or myspace, to mention some, are a greater relevance every in the form in which we communicated. Evidently, this must to that they offer certain advantages. The communication is fast. He is as much general for a group as particular for an individual, which makes more flexible than the email. He is global and it is updated constantly. It is varied in his objectives and resources, since equal it is used to find old woman friendly as to speak of interests communes, to inquire or to learn, all this of pleasant form with photos, drawings and videos.
In addition, he is public and brief. And here indeed it is where we found the root of the problem. When we were accustomed to the constant and immediate communication, we left of a side the authentic communication, that makes us create bows, know others in its essence and share what there is in our heart or what is important in our life. I do not imagine to anybody in facebook giving details on its health, its life sentimental or sexual, the problems of the adolescent children or the fact that one is considering to become lifting. It could almost read it to anyone, and it is not question to air what it is not necessary. I either do not see argued opinions and that they give base to a good dialogue. Brief commentaries that position to a side or another one of any controversy enough, and are worth.
In principle, he is not that it seems to me bad or that sees no problem in the short contacts, superficial and frequent. just as in other aspects of the life, in the variety it is the taste, and it is well using the resources to our reach. What it draws attention and it worries to me is that these replace one more a more authentic communication. It is like in the gastronomy. There is nothing no bad in pricking something between hours, but the table traditional meals, antel, spoon forget and family in favor of fast food in the car or seeing tele, the progress becomes backward movement. In order to avoid it, nothing better than not to forget to us to leave with the friends, and if they are far, to continue using the telephone and the correspondence. To the aim and to the end, which does not change with the technological advances is our necessity of real contact.
the news
I am often asked about the resource of a particular model car. How many kilometers it be enough? How many years? Questions are clear and quite natural, but alas. I confess to you on the big secret: clear answers, written in operation manuals or technical documents, they are not. Of course, designing a car, the engineers lay in a certain stock of strength and durability, then check them out on static Dynamic and endurance tests, but no information about that "car brand and model X-Y is designed for 300 000 km or 6 years (for example)," neither you nor I can not find. Why? Because all the people all the drivers – so different! We have different we go on different roads, different routes, with varying loading compartment and trunk, with different speeds. Who will buy a new car, and it ugrohaet 100 000 km and three years. And as for someone to write in a journal such as "this car belongs to Mr.
Somebody twenty years, odometer exceeded one million kilometers, but Somebody is not going to get rid of him. Why? After the machine is still intact, perform their functions, and pleases the owner … ". AND in order to understand how to extend the life of the car, just need to follow the train of thought the team of designers, engineers and testers. Then everything will become clear, and this we now turn. 1. Road car – a car not for racing outside whichever, VW Golf you do, Nissan Qashqai or , or any other, with everything from engine – all road vehicles intended for public roads, to traffic speeds in the modes provided by the rules traffic.
auto and moto
The object of this study is the analysis of economic viability of a unit of generation of electric energy from energy come from the wind. The economic feasibility study it is essential to minimize the risk of any type of investment, over all when one is about investments of high value. A good economic feasibility study he is that one that it predicts how much the entrepreneur will earn financially and in how much time, on the invested capital. For this, research with equipment suppliers had been become fullfilled, existing legislaes, bibliographies on the subject and other types of research.
The Lagoon of the Ducks was chosen as local of study, in the Rio Grande Do Sul. This place presents favorable aeolian conditions. Following the methodology proposal, they had met resulted positive with regard to the implantation of a unit of generation of electric energy from the aeolian energy. This unit of generation was called of: Since the discovery of the electricity at the beginning of century XIX its use has been crucial for the development of the society human being, who depends each time more than one high energy consumption for its subsistence. For this, they had been being developed, throughout history, diverse forms of energy generation, as for example, hydraulical, nuclear, aeolian, solar and geothermal energy. In Brazil, which had its enormous amount of rivers, 90% of the available electric energy are proceeding from plant hydroelectric plants.
In California, the Capraria biflora, one plants accidentally introduced in the New World in the second half of century XIX, in 1940 more than already had dominated 120,000 hectares of pastures, being finally controlled for parasitic insects (FARB, 1982). However, in the case of some vegetal species, the control by means of insects can arrive late excessively, when native plants already will have been extinct or the invaders caused great economic damages, of a form or another one. Still insects had not been found capable to control the aquatic jacinths that obstruct navigable canals in the Luisiana, in Africa Occidental person and Sudan. One is about a showy plant, that produces similar flowers to the orqudeas. The same one was taken of Venezuela for the Exposition of Cotton of New Orleans, in 1884. Some visitors, magic with the beauty of the plant, they had gotten changes of same for its lakes and streams.
The plant currently grows in Americas, Asia, in Africa and Australia, obstructing canals and hindering the navigation, as well as the irrigation and the installations hydroelectric plants. In the United States the control is tried by means of drags, but the same it does not follow the rhythm of growth of the plant. An exit then is the attempt of control by means of chemical products, but this could cause pollution of waters (FARB, 1982). In case that seemed it occurs in the south of Brazil, where the forrageiro turnip (Raphanus sativus) and the nabia (Raphanus raphanistrum) had become invading of difficult control, occurring as harmful in farmings, over all in typical cultures of winter, as the wheat. Initially the vegetable was planted in lands incultas to serve as alternative form of green fertilization in the periods of winter (RASP et al, 2007). The two species, beyond revealing of difficult control and eradication, dispute space and nutrients with proper planted culture e, in the specific case of the wheat, affect the harvest process.
art and science